Pawsitively Great News: Updated Pet Policy at Annapolis Property Services!
Updated Pet Policy at Annapolis Property Services!  On the tails (excuse the pun!) of Maryland’s updated landlord/tenant deposit laws, we’ve revamped our pet policy to make it easier for you and your pets to find a cozy new home. Here’s...
XRF gun
Lead paint certification information for rental properties in maryland
In Maryland, any property that was originally constructed on or before 1978 must be inspected for lead paint and have a lead-safe (Full risk reduction) or lead-free certification before a tenant takes occupancy. Properties that are certified Full risk reduction...
Glazey Days truck
APS Resident Holiday get together and meet the team
Event: Glazey Days Donuts and Meet the APS team Where: Hillsmere Shores Community Beach and playground When: Friday, December 16th from 8.30 am to 10.30 am Free Donuts and Meet the team Please join us for Complimentary Glazey Days Donuts...
Home Winterization Instructions
IMPORTANT WINTERIZATION ITEMS Make sure your residence is safeguarded against freezing temperatures and heavy rainfalls. These important precautions will help you ensure you’re prepared. Exterior Hose Bibs To reduce the risk of your pipes freezing, it is essential that you...
How to handle frozen pipes in your home
Tips on how to best manage a frozen pipe situation in your home  Prevention is the key here so please see our link on How to Winterize your home and prevent frozen pipes When outside temperatures are below freezing, uninsulated...
Tips to keep home cool
How to Keep Cool this Summer?
Here are 10 effective tips on how to keep yourself and your house cool this summer in Annapolis without any alterations, hassle, or money. Click for more....
Wear and tear feature
Wear and Tear Vs Damage and Depreciation
As Landlords in Maryland, we are required to allow for normal wear and tear; so when determining the appropriate with holdings from a past tenants’ security deposit it is important to make allowance for wear and tear.   To help...
Why Should a Landlord Hire a Property Management Company? Copy
Among the many crucial decisions that a landlord must make is whether to hire a property management company. The easy answer to this question is yes. Why? Let’s take a look at some of the many challenges that landlords face:...
Top 4 Common Landlord Mistakes
Top 4 Common Landlord Mistakes: Being a landlord is a challenging role. You need to screen potential tenants, document property conditions, set expectations with new tenants, stay abreast of landlord-tenant law, handle maintenance problems, and much more. It’s not surprising...
Tips to Prevent Water Damage to Your Property
Whether from above or below, water damage can wreak havoc on your rental units. Many property owners fail to realize that water can wick upwards into drywall, wood, and other porous materials, causing damage that extends beyond where the water...
How to Handle Common Tenant Complaints
Landlords are used to hearing complaints from tenants –everything from heating or air conditioning issues to concerns about neighbors playing music too loud. How you handle such complaints can make the difference between a successful rental situation and serious tenant...
Stay Fit and Save $$$ with Annapolis Property Services
Now, residents of properties managed by Annapolis Property Services can save on staying in shape. APS has teamed up with Annapolis Athletic Club to offer all residents membership savings, including: ● A free month of membership ● $10 off monthly...
Annapolis Property Services
914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151 Start Price $1500
Annapolis Property Services
914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151

Annapolis Property Services LLC. | 914 Forest Drive,Suite 101, Annapolis MD 21403
Ph: (410) 695-6151 Email:

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