Clogged toilets – trouble shooting tip

Clogged toilets – trouble shooting tip

Of all the clogs out there, toilet clogs are the worst…for obvious reasons.

A clogged toilet is a resident’s responsibility; unless the blockage is due to a pipe collapse or structural issue, this will be a tenant charge. Therefore, please try these troubleshooting tips below to keep costs down for you and the owner.

How to Unclog a Toilet – Video


First, turn off the water. If your toilet is on the verge of overflowing (or has already begun to), this prevents any more water from entering your toilet and making the problem worse. Find the shutoff valve located behind the toilet, near the floor, and turn it clockwise.



Funnel-cup plungers, with a flange extending from the bottom, are the best for toilets. First, make sure there’s enough water in the bowl
to cover the bottom of the plunger. If there isn’t, pour more into the bowl. As you push the plunger down and up, remember that the
upward pull is as important as the downward push, so put some muscle into it! (Just watch out for splashback.)


OK, it’s time to take it to the next level with a handheld toilet auger. Buy one at the hardware store—just make sure the corkscrew end of the auger you put in the toilet has rubber over it, otherwise it will scratch the porcelain. Put it into the toilet hole and turn the handle clockwise. Once you’ve dislodged the obstruction, pull the auger out, give the toilet a few more plunges, and flush.



To avoid having to deal with a clogged toilet in the first place, here are some tips:

  • Never flush heavy paper products down the drain (this includes paper towels and tissues). Make sure the products you flush are safe for plumbing systems and septic tanks.
  • Take it easy on the toilet paper. Flushing large amounts can certainly lead to clogs.
  • Toys are a common cause of clogs, so teach kids what shouldn’t go down the toilet.

Please let us know if you can clear the blockage or need further assistance so we can schedule a plumber.

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