How to Best Document the Move-in and Move-out Condition of Your Property

How to Best Document the Move-in and Move-out Condition of Your Property

To increase revenue and ensure your bottom-line isn’t taking a hit, you need to be aware of
what’s happening to your property during each tenancy. If you fail to assess your property
between tenancies, how will you know what’s damaged, what needs to be replaced, and
whether you need to keep security deposits? Given the time-consuming nature of documenting
a property between tenancies, you may want to retain the services of an experienced property

Some great ways to document property condition

Here are a few ways to document the move-in and move-out condition of your property:

Document at the time of move-in: The best time to document the condition of your
property is right before a tenant moves in. Be sure to fully assess outdoor and indoor
property. Remember, accurate documentation of your property's condition at move-in
is essential to successfully moving tenants out.
Take photos and notes: Use a camera or cellphone to photograph every room of your
property. Don’t forget closets, basements, hallways, and high-traffic areas that may be
out of sight. You should also jot down any notes about existing conditions.
Take videos: Video is a great way to document the conditions of a property. Just make
sure your state allows video documentation as evidence.
Upload video documentation to a secure site: For easy access and security, it’s a good
idea to upload your video documentation to YouTube or another secure site (don’t
forget to make the video private).
Share documentation with tenants: Be sure to share all the documentation with your
tenants and allow them sufficient time to make any additional comments or notes at
the time of their move in (APS allows 72 hours after key handover) .
Document the good and the bad: When documenting your real estate, note any
imperfections in the property, not just the positives.
Perform routine walk-throughs: Don’t just set it and forget it – make sure you complete
regular walk throughs of the property (about twice annually).

Prior to documenting the condition of your property, be sure to check state laws regarding
what mediums are legal. This can save you time, money, and stress if there is any discrepancy
at the end of the lease. A seasoned property manager will already be aware of such laws and
can begin documenting your property immediately.

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914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151

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