HOA notices and violations

Home Owner Associations offer a number of benefits with regards to the upkeep of the community and common areas, they can also be challenging and time-consuming to work with.

APS handles all the HOA communications and notices from the HOA and works with our residents and property owners to resolve any issues efficiently and in a timely manner.

HOA Management:
  • HOA violation management
  • Handle all HOA communications
  • Confirm that violations are accurate
  • Work with HOA to resolve any issues

We advise that is in all of our owner’s best interest to set up the monthly payment of any HOA fees as an auto-pay directly through their bank.  The reasons for this are:

  • Like a mortgage and property taxes, HOAs have the power to place a lien on a homeowner’s property if fees become delinquent and have the ability to foreclose on a property
  • HOA managers often do a poor job of contacting APS when assessments increase, which results in short payments and late fees assessed to owners
  • Once HOAs have APS as the primary contact, the owner will not receive important HOA announcements such as covenant changes, capital project assessments, and board elections

If however, you would like us to pay your monthly HOA dues on your behalf we can certainly do so for an additional 1% in our management fee.

If you are interested in our services please contact us and be sure to include a brief description and address of your property.

Home Currently Under Management
Annapolis Property Services
914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151 Start Price $1500
Annapolis Property Services
914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151 sales@annapolispropertyservices.com

Annapolis Property Services LLC. | 914 Forest Drive,Suite 101, Annapolis MD 21403
Ph: (410) 695-6151 Email: sales@annapolispropertyservices.com

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