24 Hour Emergency coverage

Having 24-hour Emergency contact access is essential for the peace of mind of both our property owners and residents and is one of the key reasons to enlist the assistance of a Property Manager. We handle our emergency line in-house, so at any time day or night, our residents can in direct contact with either one of our maintenance team or Senior Property managers, day or night, 7 days a week.

This means that we can determine if it is a true emergency or not and respond appropriately. So as to not dispatching emergency plumber to handle a dripping facet or ignoring a burst water pipe

24 Hour Emergency Coverage - Peace of Mind
  • APS Manager on duty 24-7
  • Maintenance troubleshooting
  • Emergency Vendor dispatch if necessary

If you are interested in our services please contact us and be sure to include a brief description and address of your property.

Home Currently Under Management
Annapolis Property Services
914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151 Start Price $1500
Annapolis Property Services
914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151 sales@annapolispropertyservices.com

Annapolis Property Services LLC. | 914 Forest Drive,Suite 101, Annapolis MD 21403
Ph: (410) 695-6151 Email: sales@annapolispropertyservices.com

© 2024 Annapolis Property Services LLC. All rights reserved.