Annapolis Property Services – Snow tips

Annapolis Property Services – Snow tips

Snow what to know –a few snow tips and how to avoid problems.

Snow may look pretty but once it starts to melt it can cause real problems.  See below for a few snow tips from Annapolis Property Services and how to avoid problems.

To guard against flooding: Uncover and clear area around fire hydrants and storm drain inlets. If snow melts and rainwater can’t flow away, it could cause street icing and basement flooding.

After large snow storms, water main breaks may occur. If you see large volumes of water flowing or bubbling down the street, it could be a water main break and should be reported immediately 410-263-7970 from 8:30 – 4:30 or after hours and weekends at 410-224-2140.

(410) 695-6151 Start Price $1500
Annapolis Property Services – Snow tips

Snow what to know –a few snow tips and how to avoid problems.

Snow may look pretty but once it starts to melt it can cause real problems.  See below for a few snow tips from Annapolis Property Services and how to avoid problems.

To guard against flooding: Uncover and clear area around fire hydrants and storm drain inlets. If snow melts and rainwater can’t flow away, it could cause street icing and basement flooding.

After large snow storms, water main breaks may occur. If you see large volumes of water flowing or bubbling down the street, it could be a water main break and should be reported immediately 410-263-7970 from 8:30 – 4:30 or after hours and weekends at 410-224-2140.

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914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151 Start Price $1500
Annapolis Property Services
914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151

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