Preparing your Home for Showings and New Residents with Peter Cook

Preparing your Home for Showings and New Residents with Peter Cook

Hi. This is Peter from Annapolis Property Services. I’m going to give you a few tips on
how you can present your property best for showings and also preparing it for new
tenants to move in. For showing your property, cleanliness and de-cluttering is key. The
cleaner you can make the property the better it will show. Also curb appeal. A lot of
tenants will do a drive-by of the property before they even schedule a showing. You’ll
make contacts and make sure that the initial impressions of your home are great in
preparing it for new tenants. The cleaner you can present the home in the beginning, the
better. And the better equipped, the better you can expect it back end. So things to think
about are: removing any picture hooks and spackling any holes, touch-up painting so that
all the walls are clean in the same color, and obviously cleanliness throughout the whole
home. Make sure that everything works, all the appliances work. If all the windows open
that there are no rip screens, and that all the window treatments work. Information is
also key, so anything that you know about the home or anything that the tenant should
know… so that’s where the water shut-off is, what a breaker box is, anything quirky
about your home. Put it in writing and make sure the tenants know about it. It can save a
lot of headaches and calls further down the line so information about your home and
really get the home looking as good as you can before you hand it over to tenants. One
other tip is once your home is ready to hand over to the tenants, make sure you do a video
of the property. You can load it up on the YouTube and share it with the owner of the
property. That’s what we do. And also with the tenants and then when they vacate you
can then compare the condition of property of when they moved in to when they move
out .If our services are of interest or if you’ll need any other information please don’t
hesitate to get in contact with me or any of the team here at Annapolis Property Services.

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914 Forest Drive, Suite 101 Annapolis MD 21403
(410) 695-6151

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