Maintenance Tips for Renters

Maintenance Tips for Renters
We recommend renters see below for a list of questions to better determine what is right for you.

Air Filters

We are frequently asked by renters how often they should change their air filters. The simple answer is when they are dirty. But really it depends on many factors. For example how often do you use HVAC? Do you live in a hot or cold climate? Do you have pets?  And although we recommend them 1 month see below for a list of questions to ask yourself to better determine what is right for you.

  • What type of air filter do you have?
  • What is the air quality like in the house?
  • Are there pets in the house? If you have pets in the home, you may want to consider changing filters more frequently or choosing a type that helps with dander.
  • How many people are in the home? The more people in the home, the more dust and dirt flies
    around – consider changing your filters more often.
  • Are you in an area with high construction or pollution? If the answer is yes to either of these, check your filters frequently and make sure to change them when they are dirty.
Annapolis Property Services provide Maintenance tips for renters.

Maintenance Services

If you still have questions or are unsure about your air filters feel free to  contact the Annapolis Property Services maintenance department and we will be glad to help.

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